1) We exist to reply to benevolent questions and comments, either from already existing societies who are having difficulties adapting to crises or from groups that are contemplating on becoming new societies.

In particular, we present unofficial society and tolerant society options. While the first of these options is instead official societies, the second refers to the 'tolerant societies in a given city' counterpart to 'student societies at a given university', dealing with things like including ex-students, graduates or people at multiple universities in cities that have more than one.

We do so moreover in the middle of societies needing to adapt to a crisis (COVID-19), and yet proceed in many ways that consider adapting to crises more generally, which may thus be of use in future crises as well.

2) For our own safety and wellbeing, however, terms and conditions 3) to 7) are in place.

3) We do accept any abusive correspondence. % This includes reserving the right to neither reply to nor pass on any insults, threats, political machinations, excuses or disingenuities received.

4) We also reserve the right to not reply to any groups that have been engaging in, or look as if they have been engaging in, 3), 5), 6) or 7). Where `engaging' includes during their groups' activities, in their propaganda, in their organizing, and in how they determine who their organizers are.

Whenever we do not reply, we furthermore reserve the right not to give any reason for not doing so. (Nor should it be assumed that it has to be for some reason mentioned on this webpage, for we make no claim of exhaustive coverage in this regard).

5) We refuse to serve any groups that place undue value on any of their members' 'status', who conduct initiations or hazing, or who treat newcomers as second-class citizens until they 'fit in', 'prove themselves', 'attain status' or comparable. Or any who treat other groups somewhat similar to themselves in interests as 'inferiors', 'rivals' or anything similar.

6) We reserve the right to have no contact with anybody who attempts to impose themselves, their opinions, rhetoric, politics etc on other people, groups, societies and so on. In particular, if you can't leave such matters out while trying to correspond with us, don't expect any answer.

7) We refuse to have any contact with any group that partakes of isms or phobias. This includes not having or supporting any racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, LGBT-phobia, or classism on our premises on grounds of illegality. Nor is what we mean by no isms or phobias to be restricted on such grounds. As a first consequence, self-identification is both held to suffice to have a characteristic, nor does this require being out either. As a second consequence, nor are we to have or support any non-binary-phobia, aphobia, polyphobia,, marginalization of survivors of any kind, gaslighting, marginalization of sex workers of any kind, or panphobia, on our premises.

We may also refuse to interact with groups that insist on being too exclusive of people who are not current students at a specific university.

Those entering more detailed conversations with us may find out that we have a yet more extensive list of ways of being inclusive, as well as a working system for declaring boundaries and constructively keeping the peace.

8) Your running your own society is based entirely on your own decisions and your own actions, and any consequences of these. Each society is therefore entirely responsible for your own actions, decisions and any consequences of these.

This includes carrying out your own risk analyses for your own activities whenever appropriate, as well as doing so in an objective manner that actively welcomes and uses feedback from anybody affected. In particular, if you meet in public, then not only your own members but also your meeting location's public, have an inherent right to report nuisance behaviour and hazards, and in a way that noticeably enters both the society's publicly-visible regulations and the conduct and the form of subsequent meetings of the society in question at the particular location or similar.

Emphasis that unofficial societies are very much not an excuse for noise disturbances, antisocial behaviour or other poor citizenship is very important as regards the ongoing survival of unofficial societies. Unofficial societies can moreover scarcely be termed 'tolerant' if their activities disrupt neighbouring areas.

9) We reserve the right not to correspond with individuals or groups that are highly irresponsible, or who react to internal or external complaints with such as blanking, minimization, or mistreating complainants.

10) With people running their own societies being responsible for their own actions, and SoCaLAC ourselves not at present meeting in public, SoCaLAC organizers reserve the right to not respond to any demands to 'send a representative in person to explain SoCaLAC'. This on the combined grounds of lack of necessity to do so and of it being adverse to a majority of peoples' safety and well-being to have to turn up in person under such circumstances.

11) SoCaLAC members are expected to ourselves abide by these terms and conditions while doing SoCaLAC things.

12) Not reading these terms and conditions does not constitute a defense of being in breach of them.

See SoCaLAC's main webpage for more on what we offer.